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Stacey Espe RDH, MP1

Stacey grew up in beautiful San Diego, California. She graduated from Riverside Community College in 2006 and has enjoyed practicing clinical Dental Hygiene for 13 years.  Since 2007 Stacy has had the unique opportunity of working in one of the most progressive "Oral systemic" cosmetic, aesthetic practices in North County, San Diego.  She was first introduced to The JP Institute training and philosophy while practicing in private practice in 2008.  The private training along with owner leadership and team support opened the door to her continued pursuit for clinical excellence, perfect tissue, ideal prevention and early intervention.  Along the way she had more opportunity for training with JPI in 2012 and had the honor of receiving JP Mastership Certification in 2019.  Implementing the JP philosophy for over 10 years, she has been able to work with diode lasers since 2006 and refined her skill with advanced laser training.  She is a huge believer in the use of lasers integrated with the JP protocol and treatment planning concepts to achieve beautiful, healthy tissue.  In addition, to her comprehensive continued education and training with JPI she has had numerous opportunities for learning and training every year since 2007.  The topics for advanced training include, periodontal protocols for integrative dental medicine, understanding the complexities of "The Oral and Systemic" connections, relationship-based care and communication, internal marketing and wellness dentistry.  In 2008 Stacey started to learn about salivary diagnostics and began implementing My Perio Path tests from Oral DNA labs.  One patient at a time she was blown away by the connection with the bacteria in the mouth and systemic diseases.

Since 2008 she has tested over 200 patients' saliva and feels that it should be the standard of care.  She genuinely cares about her patients and enjoys finding methods to determine root cause and improve clinical outcomes.  She is passionate about the mouth body connections and is excited that she has had the opportunity to learn and work with an entire team supporting the efforts of interdisciplinary treatment planning and collaborative care.  She is extremely excited to share her experiences, passion and knowledge with other health professionals as a JPI instructor!

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