How do we continue to utilize effective communication supporting standardized, comprehensive care?
Can we achieve noticeable patient compliance while encumbered with PPE and time constraints?
What can we do to still maintain a gracious and healthy environment for our dental teams and generate the necessary profits?
Our JPI team has been working together researching to understand and address the changing needs of our clients and our overall profession. As critical updates in science, legal and ethical responsibilities are changing rapidly, it has been a challenge to be certain on all recommendations. However, there are some things that we are confident and certain about!
We have the experience to help our clients and profession find the new successful profitable, clinical business model as soon as possible.
Most of our practices have already been preparing in so many ways for the re-opening of their practice. We realize that the top priorities of updating infection control, PPE, filtration systems, managing the utilization of aerosols, prepping for the new screenings and patient flow processes have already been determined.
The JP Institute has created a return to practice program designed to educate and motivate you and your team to establish updated protocols and communication skills that will support your next level of optimum care and oral systemic practice. This unique return to practice training is designed as a custom program that will help support your individual practice philosophy and goals. We are excited to offer you our complimentary Practice Profile Training Assessment to discuss your upcoming practice goals!
What to Expect:
Working toward a recognized (oral systemic) wellness center
Re-Brand, Re-Build and Re-Juvenate:
As COVID-19 continues to threaten the healthcare system and our lives, we all realize that many of our patients have been educated through the media and internet, and have acquired an updated understanding of the importance of their immune system. It is now imperative that we also need to understand the immune system, communicate the host-immune challenges and the periodontal/dental connections to our patients. We are now better positioned than ever to have patients that are motivated to embrace optimum oral health. Our face to face, JPI originated “Communication Dynamics” system has been updated and customized for each client. I realize that this has already been an important goal for many in dentistry and NOW is a perfect time to achieve your next level.
The series of phone coaching and virtual training will include strategies and an action plan to guide your team to:
Re-Brand your practice to ensure patients recognize the true (elevated) value of all services related to their Total Health. Get back on track to “Re-Brand” oral systemic health and comprehensive care.
Re-Build relationships, systems, adjust time management protocols, (JPI Time Wheels), communication/education systems, work- flow and the business model that supports stress reduction. Do our best to be complicit practicing every day in a safe and healthy environment integrating updated philosophies of care that generate profits for a thriving practice. It’s imperative to create schedules that support our own well- being, clinical success, retention of patients, and generating healthy profits!
Re-Juvenate Always consider protocols to support total well-being through implementation of valuable self-care practices into your practice of dentistry. Let us support an overall wellness plan for the team and your patients as we continue to enjoy the practice of dentistry.